
Sunday, February 13, 2011

What we've cover thus far...

Looking back over the past month and the courses we have taken, I think the one by far that I find to be the most useful is Photoshop. I think the most important thing on a website is to have the layout simple, user friendly and eye catching. With Photoshop, you can take an idea and lay it all out. Create a mock up of exactly what you have visioned and make it happen. Once you have the look and style you want, you can run with it with any other program. Edit, it in Dreamweaver, add some nice Flash animation, edit that in After Effects and you have yourself a nice site! But, in my opinion, Photoshop is the core of it all!

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with your software choice. The relative ease of the software along with the cross platform performance makes it a wonderful addition to the Adobe CS5 package.
    I'm curious to see how our Photoshop design work transitions into interactive HTML web pages.
    The future looks bright!

    Cheers! MJ
