
Monday, May 23, 2011

html vs flash

This is actually my first go at making a site entirely out of Flash, and I found it to be a lot easier than I anticipated. Normally, I would have just added some Flash elements into a HTML/CSS designed site, mostly because that is what I have always done. I had never really liked the idea of making a whole site with Flash, on the off chance that someone was using a browser or a device that could not view Flash. Even today with the technology we have, there are still quite a few devices that are still not compatible. We have a little bit further to go, and once we are there, I will have no problem making sites completely out of Flash, but until there, HTML and CSS it is!


  1. Spiffy, all the tools have there place, it is at what expense we are prepared to step into the edge. What is the timelime?

    You must have quite a collection of art...

  2. I completely understand why you nornmally added some Flash elements into your sites, it seems like overkill to have an entire site in Flash; then again that is the direction we are headed in. Flash is good though. I enjoyed using it.

  3. I agree, I would rather not make a 100% flash website! For the same reason as you Shawna, not everyone's going to be able to view it. The other issue is efficiency, I believe the flash files can be quite large.
