
Thursday, January 13, 2011

What lead you to enroll in the Web Design program?

This question has been posed to me quite a few times in the last couple of months and there is a really easy answer for that. I have been doing web design for over 8 years now and even have a Webmaster certificate under my belt from 2001. I have also taken quite a few upgrade courses over the past few years, but the truth is technology changes so fast that if you blink you will miss something. I also feel that my programming skill are .. to be desired to say the least, so I decided it was time to go back to school. I must have looked into every school from here to New Brunswick and concluded that Conestoga College had the best and most competitive Web Development program around, so I decided to enrol. I believe that once I finish this course I will have the skill set that I need to be very competitive in this industry, and with my past experiences I believe that I will have no problem acquiring a full time position. Let's just hope I don't pull all of my hair out by the end of C#!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that we are competitive! Here's hoping you keep all of your hair as well.
