
Sunday, January 30, 2011

One month in ...

So we are a month into the course, and have cleared 2 programs thus far. So far so good. Were starting off nice and easy and I apprieciate that because it has been a while since I have been back to school. The first program was an intro to Photoshop which was great for me to brush up on any new tools that are available in the CS5 series. I came out of it learning a couple of new tips and tricks and that alone is worth it for me. The second course was a new program for me that I haven't used before called After Effects. With only a week intro to it, it definitly has me hooked. We were only able to do the first few chapters of the book, but I plan on finishing it off within the next week and really get to know the program. I think its going to be a great program to use in combinitaion with Adobe Flash and it will help me take things to the next level. I'm really quite excited to move forward with it.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying the program and have taken things away from it. I would second your idea to finish the After Effects book as you are correct in saying it is a great program in conjunction with Flash.
